Trustee Governors
Daniela Schwartz - Chair of Trustee Governors
Daniela has worked in Marketing & Communications, mainly in the Financial Services industry, for over 25 years. As a foster carer for ten years for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, she and her husband mainly looked after children with special needs. "During this time, I heard about Parayhouse and its amazing work", Daniela says. "Hence I'm delighted to now have a chance in my role as a co-opted Trustee Governor to contribute to the future success of our school and students.”
Hala Elansari - Vice Chair of Trustee Governor/Parent Trustee Governor
Being a Trustee Governor of Parayhouse School has been an opportunity to develop my passion for education by seeing the workings of a school from a different perspective. Having worked as a subject teacher for 19 years, I am looking forward to contributing to the education sector as Governor.
Since its inception, Parayhouse School has come a long way. It now has a clear vision and a team of professionals wanting to work towards achieving this. It is an honour to be part of that team of people dedicating time and effort to an institution we are all vested in.
Jakub Koper – Staff Trustee Governor
I started at Parayhouse school as a Learning Support Assistant in 2015 and soon realised that this was the career choice that I wanted to follow. I decided to undertake my Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Practice degree and am now completing my teacher training year while I act as Key Teacher in Lime Class. I enjoy seeing my students progress and helping them to do their best. I like to find ways to help them enjoy their education and reach their full potential. In terms of my role as Staff Governor, I hope to be involved in making positive changes to procedures and systems which will benefit the students as well as the staff. I also feel that this experience will broaden my experiences as well and give me an insight into how the school is run on a wider level, which will benefit my career development.
Steve Hussey, Parent Trustee Governor
I have worked in finance and asset management for over 25 years. My daughter, Edie, has been at Parayhouse School for a couple of years and when I got the opportunity to join the Board as a Parent Trustee Governor I jumped at the chance to support and contribute my experience, especially on the finance side. The school fosters an amazing environment for children to develop their life skills and hopefully grow towards their full potential, testament to the hugely talented and committed staff. As a Trustee Governor, I hope to be a critical friend to this staff and to help manage the operating risks of the school.
Nick Herrtage – Trustee
‘I have been in the property industry since 1978, in a number of aspects, including interior design, residential estate agency and development. I now run my own development company and have done since 2001. I was asked to become a Trustee really to assist in property related matters, latterly the relocation of the school to its current premises’
Georgina Klein, Co-opted Trustee Governor
I have worked in education since 2013, in areas including educational neuroscience, educational technology and international development. Since qualifying as a primary school teacher with Teach First in 2014-2015, I have worked in young people's advocacy at the Children's Society, international teacher development and policy at the Varkey Foundation, and educational technology at BecomingX. With a Master's in Educational Neuroscience from UCL and Birkbeck, I am delighted to be able to support the success of students and staff at Parayhouse School.
Tom Cowley, Co-opted Trustee Governor
Having worked in finance since 2016, I was thrilled at the opportunity to join the board as a community trustee governor. After first visiting Parayhouse school, I was in awe of the level of effort and commitment contributed by all members of staff in the day-to-day development of each student. I am looking forward to utilising the skills and expertise I have gained whilst training as an accountant to contribute positively towards both the financial and wider affairs of Parayhouse School.
Yvonne Woodford, Parent Trustee Governor
My daughter joined Parayhouse School from a mainstream setting in September 2021 and the Parent Governor vacancy came up just a few months later. I decided to put myself forward because I wanted to make a tangible contribution to her school life. I have two other children at different stages of their education and felt that my experiences with the 6 or so schools and nurseries we’d attended between us would be useful. As Parent Governor I am keen to take on board views from all Parents at the school and am at the school gate most days if you want to catch me.
In terms of my background and career I am a qualified chartered accountant, I worked in corporate finance and M&A for nearly 8 years and after that have been on the board of multiple companies during my 15+ years working in the city for a property fund manager. More recently I have a number of personal projects which keep me busy.