Professional Development
Parayhouse is committed to the ongoing development of all staff, including the updating of key training e.g Makton, First Aid etc.
All staff receive a comprehensive package of induction training including communication, behaviour and safeguarding. This is continued through each academic year with refresher training on core areas. Staff are also welcome to suggest areas where they feel they or the school would benefit from additional training.
Staff attend annual meetings with their line manager to set and review individual development targets to ensure their continued progression. These targets are reviewed in line with performance related pay increases to foster a culture of pro-activity, productivity and motivation to achieve the best outcomes for our students.
All training and staff development targets are linked to key areas identified for improvement in the school SIP (school improvement plan) to ensure maximum impact and outcomes.
Bi-weekly Best Practice meetings and teachers' meetings are held to provide a forum for sharing strategies and ideas. Staff are encouraged to collaborate, communicate and commit to progressing their personal development to ensure high quality practice and provision.