Partnership With Parents
At Parayhouse we seek to encourage a close and supportive relationship between the parents and families of students.
To counteract the fact that many students are transported to school every day and face to face parental contact is therefore minimal, Parayhouse encourages a close and supportive relationship with the parents and families of students.
The School arranges Open Evenings starting from 3.30 to 7pm, to give the widest possible choice to suit parents’ work and home commitments; we encourage individual appointments for those unable to attend an Open Evening as well as telephone/video call conferences with relevant staff to discuss specific issues.
There are two Open Evenings a year for parents, as well as the annual review of your child’s EHCP.
In addition, you can request interim meetings throughout the year to discuss concerns or personal matters.
We also hold a programme of events through the year to which parents are invited to come and join in with our school community.
Please click here to see the Ofsted Parent View website