Our Curriculum
At Parayhouse our curriculum intent is to have communication, independence and functional skills at its core, reflecting our school values. Students follow one of two curriculum pathways (formal and semiformal) with all teaching across both pathways being individualised and differentiated. In each Key group, teachers and therapists joint plan to ensure that communication and learning goals are embedded into all areas of the curriculum. Whole school planning around topics ensures that there is a breadth of learning for pupils if they remain in their same pathway throughout their school career. We ensure that the learning is developmentally appropriate whilst providing variation in experiences throughout the curriculum.
We are able to meet the needs of all our pupils by adopting a personalised approach. All pupils across the school have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) with targets based on the outcomes in their Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP).
We believe that learning is not restricted to the classroom and takes place throughout the school day in different environments and contexts, and is not sole responsibility of the teacher but also peers, therapists, lunchtime assistants and everyone else in our school community. Our main focus is to prepare students for the life that they will live when they leave us and this will look different for each individual.
Please click the attachment below to see more information and detail on the content of our curriculum and how it is delivered.